Dear Parents,
Over the past 24 hours we have had some inquires about a day camp option. We have a very devoted staff that feel extremely motivated to make it happen and be able to give the kids a chance to spend most of their week in Gan Yisroel.
This is a brand new idea for us and we need to know how many parents would be interested in this option. The day would start at 10:00am and end at 9:00pm Sunday through Thursday and half day on Friday giving the boys a true full day of camp. We would serve the boys 3 meals a day plus snack. Camp would start on July 6 and run through August 26. It would be for boys in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade.The boys would have a full program of learning classes, variety of sports and leagues, swimming, boating, biking, arts and crafts, cook outs even experience a Gan Yisroel color war and lots of in house entertainment. We are looking into offering bus transportation from 3 or 4 central locations in the Catskill area.
If there are any boys that may have non immediate family that live upstate for the summer perhaps they can stay with them. We are working feverishly on all the details of how to make a smooth transition from overnight camp to day camp. It really depends on how many families are interested in order to make it work. Again we stress how we will need a few days to see how many people get back to us and confirm that they are indeed interested and than we can open registration for Gan Yisroel day camp.